Why Choose WordPress for Websites/Blogs?



WordPress is a popular platform for creating websites. Once installed, it is easy to edit or update content, and create new blog posts to boost your SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

Lots of SEO on your website, used in the right way can help put your website on the front pages of google search results for keyword searches relating to your products and industry.


EXAMPLE: Suppose that you were a school portrait photographer. With May college graduations were coming up fast, you might be  looking to snag the attention of anyone searching for “graduation photography nyc!” Blog posts that implement proper SEO techniques can get you in front of the right audience.

Once WordPress is installed, the only fees necessary to maintain your website are custom domain name/url (such as “www.supersandals.net” or “designerhandbags.com”) registration, and paying for your hosting.


Think of hosting as a plot of land where you want to build a house, and your domain name as your address. But wait– there’s no house yet! That’s where your website comes in. Building a website is a lot like building a house! You need an infra-structure, you need a design, and once it’s built you need to fill it with stuff (content) to turn it into a home.

This website was made with wordpress.

So was this: http://shopstudios.com/

and this: http://thelindnerstudio.com/

and this: http://milby.media/


You may notice that WordPress.com offers a service where you can pay to set up your website through their website. You can use your own domain name/url, and pay them for hosting.

While it may sound convenient to do it yourself this way, this isn’t a very sustainable model. Since you are essentially “renting” your land and house from the WordPress company, you live on their terms and are limited by what they will allow you to do.

Also, imagine that your website takes off and you want to expand. Because of the limitations of “renting,” you will inevitably have to get your own hosting and build your own site anyway. By installing WordPress separate from their website, you have a lot more freedom to customize and adjust your site into the future.


Another downside of paying for WordPress’ service is that you would have to learn how to use the program and back end on your own, and set up your website yourself, which can take valuable time away from other efforts. When learning a new program, many find it easier to work with someone. Being able to ask questions in real time and have a real flesh-and-blood human there to guide you (or do it for you) can save a lot of headache!

We offer a WordPress installation, set up, and basic guidance to using the back end of the program for a flat rate of $500 plus domain registration and hosting fees. You can choose from a variety of domain names, and prices vary depending on extension (.net, .org, .nyc, etc).

Hosting prices vary depending on what kind and what company you choose. There is shared hosting, VPS, and the option to purchase your own server. Shared hosting is the cheapest, VPS is a middle ground, and having your own server is the most expensive option. You need to select the options that are best for your company, and we can help you do that, too.


If you want a lesson in SEO, we offer a consultation for $100/hour. We will provide you with the groundwork for using everyday SEO techniques to reach the widest audience with your website in YOUR industry. We will offer suggestions catered to your industry for online marketing and using social media, too.